Stand up! Europe’s youth unites against discrimination! (2015-2017)
Partnerschulen in Alkmaar (Niederlande), Trani (Italien) und San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Spanien)
Artikel über das vierte Projekttreffen in Trani im März 2017
Artikel über das dritte Projekttreffen in San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Artikel über das zweite Projekttreffen in Friedberg im April 2016
Artikel über das erste Projekttreffen in Alkmaar im November 2015
Tagebucheintrag über das erste Projekttreffen in Alkmaar auf eTwinning
Das Konzept:
Unfortunately many people are discriminated in all countries. With this project we would like to raise the awareness for and the readiness to fight against discrimination in various areas and in various levels in a general view and also especially at our schools.
While comparing the different situations of groups being discriminated in the different countries it will be also very interesting tosee that discrimination is partly linked to culture and history of a country but also that discrimination is part of human existence. The students will get aware of the reasons of discrimination, how it works and what can be done against it. If possible, they will also write a drama play about discrimination and perform it.
Lots of students in all countries (at least 100 at each school) will deal with the topic within 4 project periods. The research methods are interviews with people (audio, video, text) as well as online researches. The students will document their results with posters,presentations, audio and video files and text files (booklets, …), with role plays, group discussions and self-learning material.
Besides some of the students (10 of each country for each meeting) involved in the project will meet each other on 4 transnational learning activities (TLA) at the 4 partner schools during the 2 years. At these meetings the students will present their results out of their researches, compare it and discuss especially the differences linked to history and culture and universal aspects. Additionally in each country specific workshops and visits are planned linked to specific organisations and topics related to the host region/country. Two teachers of each country will accompany the students for the TLA.
In the project period I they will deal with the topics „foreigners/minorities/religion and discrimination“, „sexual orientation and discrimination“ and “discrimination at schools”. The first TLA will be in the Netherlands in December 2015. After comparing and discussing the results, the group of students will watch the film „Blue Eyed“, deal with Dutch slave history, linked to a visit to the Scheepvaartmuseum/Tropenmuseum, visit the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, ….
In the project period II the students will deal with the topics „Low income and discrimination“ and „Disability/old age and discrimination“. Students of all countries will also volunteer in organisations dealing with these topics. The second TLA will be in Germany in spring 2016. After comparing and discussing the results there will be workshops to rise the awareness about and create ideas against discrimination. They will experience how to be blind, visit the Documentation Centre Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nürnberg and deal with the current PEGIDA demonstrations in Germany.
Within the project period II they will deal with „Gender and discrimination“ and “Discrimination and literature”. The third TLA will be in Spain in October 2016. Besides presentations and group discussions there will be a workshop on the lyrics of songs to raise awareness of how we unconsciously accept sexist discriminatory messages including a lecture from the Spanish Institute For Women. Also a visit of a welfare institution dealing with people with disabilities is planned as well as a CINEMA FORUM and a guided visit in Madrid by professional blind guides and a competition about the best paintings and photos about discrimination.
Within the project period IV the students will deal with the following two topics: “Roots of discrimination” and “disability at school”. The fourth TLA is in Italy in April 2017. Besides presenting and comparing the results we will visit of a volunteer association who deals with migrants and do a workshop about the integration of students with different disabilities in schools.
Out of all material collected during the project the students will create together on the last TLA a calendar against discrimination 2018 which will be spread in all schools.
At the end there will be a big festival and press conference to which parents, local media, other interested persons are invited with a presentation of all products.